With the awesome powers of technology i have checked into my flight last night from my bed in my PJ's. There was no queuing. There was no smelly backpacker trying to jump the que by sweet talking his way in front of me in his Swedish accent. (oooh you!!!
No, there was just me, my mobile and a cat with bad breath as i punch in my allocated top secret mission code into my multi-functional technically advanced communications device (aka my mobile).
Before i could sing the full version of the Australian anthem, 2nd verse inclusive, BOOM i was allocated seat 63K. Wow!!!! Next thing you know we will be getting video telephone calls and 'voice mail'....ha, they do that already? Well i'll be.
So any who, my bags remain strewn across my lounge room floor. Aside from a fat cat, theres not much else inside them. When oh when will the little pixies come and pack my bags for me!!! Honestly, this has to be the hardest part. Lubing up and shoe horning into my backpack day clothes, night clothes, winter clothes, summer clothes, just in case clothes, clothes that don't really fit me but MAY be needed, clothes that i've never ever worn but in Egypt may be fashionable and lets not forget the endless amount of toiletries us woman like to carry. My day to day handbag consists of lip gloss (2 variety's) , moisturiser, lipstick, mascara, tissues, feminine hygiene products, Panadol, Naprogesic, suntan lotion and im only leaving the house for 8 hours!!!!!!!! How the hell do i pack enough toiletries for a month!!!! According to my calculations, based on those statistics, i would need to carry 576 items of toiletries!!! Move over Shapelle Corby, i'll have enough drugs for the whole population of India.
So its all stations go at my little abode tonight. Packing, preening, cleaning, stressing. None taking more priority than the other. If i can remember to breath amongst all this i should be A-OK!
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