Saturday 24 February 2007

Time just flys...

I can't believe that i only have one more week left and then its back on the plane for my epic journey home. Time really does fly by when your having a ball..

So much has happened that it would be absolutely impossible to write it all down but i will throw in a few highlights.

Well...*big breath*.... i can't actually remember where i left of last but i have just gotten back to civilisation after being on a tiny little boat with no toilet and shower for the past four days. It was one of the most amazing experiences ever. Yes, going without a shower for me was amazing. This boat was tiny too. The body of the boat was filled with mattress's so all you did was lie about. Really had no choice actually because there was no where to stand up. Unless you scaled the side of the boat so not really an option. At night we would moor against the bank of the Nile and snuggle up inside our sleeping bags and try our best to get to sleep. It wasn't easy as the weather reached arctic conditions but with all the layers piled back on i still managed to catch a few hours of napping. The first night was relatively uneventful until 6am when a large cruise ship came waaaay too close to our boat and sent a massive wave over half the boat wetting half the people who were sound asleep. Water got in under the boat where our bags were stored and i have a great picture of us sitting on the bank in our pj's waiting for the crew to get all the water off the boat. The rest of the trip i slept with one eye open expecting the next tsunami to swallow the little boat hole. Fortunately it didn't happen again. The crew on the boat were great and the food was fantastic. fantastic as the food gets in Egypt. Beans, rice, eggs, beans, vegys and beans. Some spices here and there but that's basically it.

We visited a Nubian village and had dinner in a locals house. That was something different sitting on a dirt floor with food being put on the ground near your feet. I'll have to try this new technique when i get home. I also had some Henna done on my hands as well by the wife of the chief of the village.

Also visited Abu Simbel which is something you can only see to believe. I'm talking more the crowds in side than the actual monument... 1000's and 1000's of people (mainly french and ze Germans!!) because you need a police convoy to get there so everyone arrives at once. Aside from that the place was really amazing. So much bigger than i could ever imagine and the positioning of the temple to the river and the sun created a truly amazing atmosphere.

Im slowly learning more Arabic words and so far have all the swear words under control (which has come in very handy) and can also say hi, thank you, sorry and butter.

Im back in Cairo as i type this and will be heading out in the morning to the Sinai peninsular to climb Mt Sinai. After speaking to a fw locals i have been told to take my sleeping bag as it is going to be extremely cold up the top. If its anything like the cold i have felt over the past few weeks then im going to need to build a burning pyre to keep me warm. Wonder how that will go down with the locals. After that its time to kick back with a few lazy days of diving, sun and sand. Reeeeeally looking forward to this. Its been a hectic holiday so some time to chill will be sooooooooo nice.

Im super pooped at the mo as i have been on over nighter (filthy) train and have also circumnavigated the Cairo museum in an two hours flat. I don't think i have given it justice but theres so much to see and nothing is labeled. Its like an old storage house for ancient artifacts which just so happens to have a 50 pound entrance fee.

Tonight we are doing a dodgy and going to the sound and light show at the giza pyramids without actually going to the show. The show costs 60 pounds but we have found a restaurant that we can sit at and watch the show, listen to the show AND eat at the same time all for 50 pounds which includes tranfers from our hotel. Doesn't get better than that....or stingier. a few people from the tour are leaving us early in the morn so its our last horah with them. Though im sure its going to be a quite night. I haven't had more than 4 drinks since being on this trip and bed time has been on average 9:30pm. Am i old??? It really has been that hard that we all have been doing the same thing.

I really will try and get some pics up but i think it may have to wait now till i get home. These net cafes are extremely dodgy.

I shall post up again as soon as i can. No doubt after my 2am climb up mt sinai!! I'll bring some blizzard snow home ;-)

OH and apolgies on my blog lacking wit an humour, this place is sucking me dry. I have a stupid cold and im about to head to my room for sleep. First time in a bed for nearly a week. YAY!!!!!!!!

Well its enough whinging from me so until then...


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