Monday 12 February 2007

Day one/two of the tour

WOW! So much has happened since you and i spoke last. How much time do i have here to talk about it?

Well i will start off from when i woke up after a 5 hour sleep on saturday. I met up with a few aussie strangers and we went out to a tiny little takeaway store....wait wait wait let me tell you about my room... oh so much has happened!!!!!

My room - walls are so incredibly thin that i can hear everything so crystal clear from three rooms away. If they are talking about what creams they are applying i can hear it, if they are making bodily function noise i can hear it. It's nuts. The water was only luke warm and chose to wear my rubber thongs EVERYWHERE!!!! its all part of the fun though and makes for great stories.

anyways back to my takeaway store... things are so cheap. i bought a shawerma which is like a donna kebab for 7 pounds. (roughly $1.50) and it was so good but an egyptian man befriended us and showed us how to order etc. It was very much a locals store. Anyway, this guy Mohammad, told us to go and eat at his friends coffee house where we drank mango juice and smoked sheeshas. I have photos as proof....but there s always a catch. Nothing for nothin i say!!! we got dragged to his cousins, brothers, uncles, neighbours stores and i was being driven nuts!!!! Anyway it worked out ok because we ordered a taxi for the next day to take us to Saccaara and Memphis which is a funeral plot and ancient pyramid. Very cool!!! BUT we had to stop at his friends gold store (of course)

Met the tour group last night and the tour began today. Everyone is of roughly the same age and pretty much as cool as me. i know, hard to believe but there are other cool people out there.

Today we went to the famous Giza pyramids and i had the most fantastic time!!! I was awe struck at how amazing the size of them. You just cant comprehend until you are there. I have a gazillion photos which are amazing. i will try and get some on here soon. We got to climb inside the pyramid which i can't say i really enjoyed. Im glad i did it but to do it again i probably wouldn't. You had to crawl through because the passage ways were so incredibly narrow and it becomes so so hot that at one point i actually had a small panic attack. Shhh just don't tell the others, i have to keep a brave face. Once inside you cant take photos but it was exactly how it is in books. So awesome.....then we went into the Pharaohs doctors tomb were there was no tourists and a dodgy policeman took us down to the depths and he encouraged us to use the camera and climb on stuff and take funny photos. Then his boss came and i got in trouble for using the camera hahaha... oh well.... saw the sphinx which is MASSIVE!!!!!!! again, i have photos...

Which pretty much leads me to here this afternoon. OH OH yesterday we went to the Khan El Khalili (markets) which its shops date back to the 14th century. Loved it!!!!! Apparently tonight we are going to the Khan El Khalili for dinner with my tour group. Should be good. This is where we will learn what to expect in the desert for the next four nights. No tents, No toilets, NOTHING!!!! It will put hair on my chest!

But thats it for now. i'll try and update and hopefully not bore you when i get back from the desert.....if i come back...ok im going to try and get some picys burnt now so i'll put up some favourites for those that prefer picture books. You know who you are ;-)

Until then....

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